The 2 Statements that Make or Break Your Non-Profit Leadership and Development

Are Your People or Money Problems the Real Issue?


Confusion – Stress – Frustration – Drama – Burn-out – Staff and Volunteer Turn-over

Often the “people” problems we experience in nonprofit leadership are indicators of the real problem.

It’s true, people are messy.

Just because our setting might be a Christian ministry, doesn’t mean people are any less messy.  Often, they are messier because our expectations are higher.

What about “money” problems?

Wasted Resources – Lack of Funding and Volunteers – Inadequate Facilities – Mission Failure

Are these the real issue or merely indicators of the real problem?

Don’t get me wrong, all these symptoms are real and the pain they cause is real.  But if you are regularly experiencing any of these symptoms, you don’t have a people problem or a money problem.  You have a planning problem.

Surprised? Skeptical?

Have you ever been part of a ministry team in your organization, at your church, or at your school when people disagree on the use of money or what’s important.  The situation can quickly devolve into arguments, hurt feelings, gossip, and division.  Sound familiar?  I could give more examples, but rather than focus on the negative, let’s turn to the solution.


Vision = Mission Accomplished

The launch pad for all planning, decision-making, fundraising, and productive teamwork is being able to communicate:

  • what you see happening as result of your ministry (Vision); and
  • what part your ministry plays in making the Vision a reality (Mission).

When you can communicate your Vision and Mission in ways that are clear and actionable, your ministry board, staff and volunteers are able to weigh ideas, opportunities, opinions and preferences according to these guiding purposes.  It isn’t a matter of whose voice is the loudest or whether “we’ve always done it this way”.  Everything is evaluated against your ministry’s Vision and Mission with the purpose of being responsive and responsible stewards of the Kingdom work to which God has called each of you.   Everything is evaluated against your ministry’s Vision and Mission with the purpose of being responsive and responsible stewards of the Kingdom work to which God has called each of you. Share on X

Your ministry’s Vision and Mission is what invites people into the work God has prepared in advance for them to do (Ephesians 2:10).   And, they set a road map for their journey with you (which is Strategic Planning.  We’ll explore that another time…)

Are your Vision and Mission Statements so long and lofty sounding no one would ever be able to remember them – let alone act on them?  Statements that are compelling, easily understood, and with desired outcomes are essential for nonprofit Leadership and Development that make your God-given vision a reality. Are your Vision and Mission Statements so long and lofty sounding no one would ever be able to remember them – let alone act on them? Statements that are compelling, easily understood, and with desired outcomes are essential for… Share on X

More resources:

Accelerate! Webinar, March 17, 2022 – Leadership that Accomplishes Your Mission

Certified Development Professional (CDP) – Strategic Planning Course

Leadership Consulting

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