4 Tips for Annual Reports that Increase Funding

1. The Shorter the Better

The thinking used to be that the longer the Annual Report, the more impressed current and potential donors would be with how much your ministry has been doing. 

Now, the shorter your Annual Report, the better.  Many organizations use a maximum of two sheets of paper, printed front to back.  But many more use a single sheet.  Some use a postcard with a link to more information on their website. 

2. Pictures that Engage

One picture is worth a thousand words.  Use one or two visuals that engage readers.  We’ve seen ministries use 5” x 8” post cards with images and infographics to share high-level outcomes.  You might create a short video linked to your website. The more visual the better.

3. Inspire Rather than Inform

Your Annual Report is an opportunity to inspire people to see themselves in the vision of your ministry. 

Some details are essential–Financials from the previous year, and details showing growth, such as an increase in the number of clients served or students enrolled.  Some of these details can be provided via a link to your website, rather than printed in the Report to keep it brief.

No matter the details you include, you want to communicate why they are important.  What impact or life-change has occurred because of your ministry?  For example, if you just acquired property or a building, what difference will that make for the people whom you serve?

As you are creating your Annual Report, remember Impact inspires and moves people to consider how they might become more involved because they can see themselves making that Impact with you.

If your Annual Report merely conveys what you have been doing, you won’t inspire people to see themselves in the vision of your ministry.

If your Annual Report merely conveys what you have been doing, you won’t inspire people to see themselves in the vision of your ministry. Share on X

4. Bridge to Involvement

In your Annual Report, you’ve inspired people with Impact.  They’ve recognized they want to be more involved.  Now give them a way to move from where they are to where they can make that impact too.  Provide multiple kinds of options, some financial and others nonfinancial, such as prayer support, specific volunteer opportunities, scheduling coffee with your Development Director etc.

Your Annual Report is a party on paper (or video).  You are announcing God’s Kingdom coming on earth as it is in Heaven over the past year.  Invite people to celebrate!

Your Annual Report is a party on paper (or video).  You are announcing God’s Kingdom coming on earth as it is in Heaven over the past year.  Invite people to celebrate! Share on X

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