Services to Help Your Nonprofit Thrive
In-Person Training
Comprehensive Development Audit
Volunteer Engagement
Capital Campaigns & Feasibility Studies
Big vision but small bandwidth?
Vision isn’t the issue — capacity is. We come alongside you and your team to expand capacity by developing and strengthening the nonprofit management and leadership skills, instincts, abilities, processes, and resources required to survive, adapt, and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Personalized Training
Equipping + Your Passion = Greater Impact!
Available in-person or online, our Courses and Training equip you to plan, act, and grow! Since 1993, we have offered a full certification for leaders in nonprofit ministries. Take every Course we have or only the ones you need. Each Course applies the knowledge, tools, and best practices directly to your ministry. When you and your team grow, your impact grows, too.
Development & Strategic Planning
Confusion, lack, frustration, burn-out, mission failure…
It’s not a people problem, it’s a plan problem. It simply isn’t enough to have a Vision. And a lofty sounding mission statement tucked away in Board notes or written on your wall will not bring you mission success. What you see happening as a result of your ministry, how you intend to get there, and how you plan to resource it form an inseparable structure for making your God-given vision a reality.
Annual Fund
Tired of being dependent upon the success of your next big fundraiser? Your Annual Fund Campaign should be growing over several years, demonstrating vitality and vibrancy. Through it, you find new potential partners, resource ministry projects and build emergency reserves. We’ll help you map out strategies that will solidify and deepen the relationships that serve your Mission year after year.
Board Engagement
Are your Board members champions, advocates, and “friend-raisers” for your ministry? A fully equipped and engaged Board is essential to greater impact. From spiritual and team-building retreats to Strategic Planning and Audits of your organization, we’ll help you take your Board to the next level.
Capital Campaigns & Feasibility Studies
A growing ministry will have a capital campaign in its future. Raising significant dollars in a campaign requires planning, insight and all-hands-on-deck. We’ll help you gather needed intelligence, identify potential financial partners, and plan for a successful campaign. Let our team empower your team – from feasibility study to celebration.
Volunteer Engagement
Are you finding and keeping the people God is calling into your shared mission? Strong nonprofit leaders engage, value, and affirm volunteers in creative and effective ways. Our proven strategies and practical tools will help you create and increase a committed volunteer base.
Comprehensive Development Audit
Feel stuck? Not sure which of the oh-so-many important areas need time and attention? How can you tell where to invest the most energy? Just like a doctor’s visit, we’ll help you capture the vital signs of your ministry, and chart a way forward for health and growth.

CDP Certification
Expand your capacity. Accelerate your mission.
Many organizations realize a 20-30% increase in giving to their ministry within one year of using CDP.