How confident are you in your organization’s capacity to raise BIG dollars? (Like, really big!)
Leading your nonprofit ministry day-to-day can be daunting enough. Adding the responsibility of a Capital Campaign can be overwhelming.
The truth is if your ministry is growing, if you are impacting more people’s lives, if you’re outgrowing your facilities – a Capital Campaign may be essential.
Feasibility Study
A sound first step in determining your ministry’s ability to launch a Capital Campaign is to conduct a feasibility study. By gathering internal data and interviewing key stakeholders, we can help you determine a viable amount of money that may be able to be raised in your eventual Capital Campaign.
In our experience, many stakeholders and current donors are more open and transparent with an outside consulting group (like ours). This is one way our 170 years of collective experience will serve your mission well. We will have our team interview board members, staff, current donors and other leaders in your community to help determine the receptivity and potential capacity of a Capital Campaign.
Most feasibility studies can be conducted with a final report to the board and executive leadership within 90 days.
A feasibility study helps reduce uncertainty, as well as, helps increase confidence in your ministry’s ability to raise significant dollars. It’s a step we strongly encourage most ministries to take first.

Your Capital Campaign
Successful Capital Campaigns are built on Prayer, Planning, and Partnerships.
We’ve helped ministries conduct hundreds of Capital Campaigns over the years. We know how to help you build a solid prayer team, build a reasonable plan, and engage current and potential future partners – both financial and volunteer.
Is your office too crowded for effective ministry and operations?
Is your computer system preventing effective ministry?
Do you need more space for serving your clients?
Has God given you a vision to expand faster and broader than you can comprehend?
Your ministry may be in a crucial season–a Capital Campaign may be in your immediate future! Let’s connect by phone or email to help you think through your best next steps.