Recession-Proof Your Fundraising

What does the current increase in gas prices, food and housing mean for your Mission?

Are we going into a Recession?  Are we already in a Recession?  The answer differs depending on who is talking.  But people are talking about it and that means people are concerned about how far their money will go and that always affects nonprofits.


How do you guarantee your faith-driven ministry will not lose funding?

Honestly…you can’t.

Feel better?

You should.

You can’t guarantee anything.

That burden belongs to the Lord who called you to your mission and He carries it.  (This might be a good place for a deep refreshing breath that surrenders your cares to Jehovah Jireh your Provider. 😊) Remember, God owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10).  Whether you need a hoof or an entire cow, He is the one who connects you with the resources you need.”

Remember, God owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10). Whether you need a hoof or an entire cow, He is the one who connects you with the resources you need. Share on X

He connects you with the resources you need through relationships.

If you’ve been around The NonProfit Authority for any time at all, then you’ve heard us say, “Development is all the things we do to build rational relationships with others.”


How do you recession-proof your funding?

By building intentional, two-way relationships with your ministry partners.

That means you are just as concerned about their welfare as you are about your ministry.

As you invite people to find their place in the vision and mission of your ministry, you are helping them steward the resources God has entrusted to them.  For some people, that will mean giving a little less financially, but volunteering more or giving through in-kind means.  For others, it will mean making your ministry their focused giving and increasing their financial partnership.

In times of economic pressure, transactions will disappear, but relationships will persevere.

In times of economic pressure, transactions will disappear, but relationships will persevere. Share on X

This month, we’re talking about the practical ways to build these intentional relationships in our Accelerate! webinar.  Click here to register for this free, interactive series, Accelerate!


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